*holding on tight to what had led me here to begin with, desperate to become the female Vishous needed I’d listened to Aihdan for what seemed like hours, his deep voice penetrating my thoughts, hitting my insecurities with lethal precision.* “Your hellren has never been inclined to waste his time with the inexperienced. I see no reason he would change now, not when there are so many willing females.” *flinching when a heavy hand swept my hair aside, the jagged wounds at my throat throbbed, seeping claret ribbons over my collarbone* “With my instruction, however, you will become a pet worthy of his attentions.” *stepping in close, he ran his nose along my jaw before backing away with a wicked grin, my words forced through gritted teeth* Tell me what I have to do. *running the tip of his tongue over a fang, he eyed me hungrily* “You will kneel for your master.” *eyes wide* You’ve got to be kidding me. *looming over me, he pinned me with a cold gray stare* “A pet obeys. Now… On. Your. Knees.” *taking a deep breath I sink to my knees on the cold marble and look up, my eyes following him as he opens the door to an oak cabinet, fear rippling through me at the grating slide of metal on wood, turning back to me with a predatory smile, the dim candlelight glinting off the small silver collar in his hands* Oh, Christ *slides backward and jumps to my feet, mind seized with the fight or flight instinct the collar had spurred, I raced toward the stairwell, his booming voice calling after me “Go then…let Vishous’s other pets serve him.” *stops dead in my tracks, foot frozen on the first step that would lead me out of this twisted little rabbit hole, swearing under my breath before turning and walking cautiously toward the male* Vishous is mine. I’ll die before I let him touch anyone else. *arms crossed over his chest, he regarded me with a smug smirk as I returned to my place at his feet, closing my eyes, I whispered a hushed ‘I love you, V’ as he leaned over to fasten the collar around my neck*
-my heavy steps falling one after the other as I raced through this fucking place.. memories slamming front and center from a past I knew better than I actually cared for.. names, numbers, and more useful information from them all.. they would never fuck me over, as I went deeper into the dark hallway, the dark spices of my bonding scent seem to surround and fill the air around me, with each step I take Jodi's presence was stronger, she was here and that fucker Aihdan better not have laid a single finger.. he was a smooth talker that one but he never really fucking accepted that I surpassed him, this was to him his sole purpose, his life.. and I beat him to it.. a mere beginner with the right instincts and the attitude to match the need and wants, there was no single female or male that could have talked, they always came back... soon I was the one choosing.. requests were made, the information leaked and I was suddenly the most sought out dom among the inner circle... I was Aihdan’s ultimate enemy and now he found my pyrocant.. my Jodi was going to be the prize... my hand fisted around the dagger as I headed for that place, the place I knew he'd be... as I walked through the threshold... my body froze.. the image of Jodi kneeling before Aihdan was something I would never forget.. my diamond eyes came alive as the rage, pure hatred, and the bonded male came together, a loud growl escaped my lips and one word echoed through my mind MINE- Aihdan -my eyes fixed on Jodi-
*head snapping up, turning toward Vishous’s voice, my eyes flaring wide as I took in the sight of him, 6 and a half feet of pure pissed off, his leathers spattered with the inky blood of a lesser, diamond eyes blazing fury, he was rage incarnate, scrambling away from Aihdan, I fell back onto the cold floor before he could close the collar over my wounded throat* Vishous? Oh Christ, Vishous, I… *the words died in my throat as I looked at my male with both relief and terror.*
-my eyes still watching Jodi's every movement, I ignored the stare and the fucking necklace that seemed to be the center of the fucking room.. almost unconsciously I started flicking the dagger in my hand trying to calm down because I was the brains in this always have, always will be, this was just another scenario my bonded male wanted to solve fucking now but it was time to hurt egos before taking what was mine, slowly sliding the dagger back in place- Jodi stand up, you're no pet of his. You are mine -turns to look at Aihdan, the male still holding himself with confidence, only years of experience and being in same room with him made it easy to spot the fear that mixed in the stare of a male that is used to having his way and no other "Well, well Vishous.. thank you for joining us in this oh so gracious occasion" the fucker had balls gotta admit.. squaring my shoulders as my bonded male and the dom in me joined as one- I am in no mood for your child-like behavior Aihdan -walking towards Jodi- you will not speak of this to anyone -my diamond eyes turned to pin down the advance he had made so I turned on my heel and headed towards him... stopping inches away from him meeting his gaze "You have no power over me Vishous"- No, because I choose not to... pet -a sadistic smile spread across my face as I turned his world back at him- years of trying to surpass me? Going for my female just to prove a point? -"She came to me because you failed to teach her the ways, I was just available" his tone no longer controlled, obviously irritated by the pet name- Available? your pets abandoned you? Oh -a dry cold chuckle- right, all of your unsatisfied pets came to ME
*Pet? … stunned to silence I rose to my feet and crossed the room to the stairs, clapping a hand to my throat to staunch the flow of blood as I ducked behind Vishous, suddenly feeling like I had a front row seat for the Clash of the Titans, terrified that my male would be hurt… and it would be my fault* Vishous, please… let’s just go…
-without taking my eyes off Aihdan- We will but first -grabs his shirt before roughly pushing him down on his knees the force of the yank making him lose his balance and as the clank of the collar fills the room along with Aihdan's grunts... my diamond eyes filled with a sadistic kind of amusement as he kneels before me- Now that's where you belong.... -spits the word- PET -he tries to struggle for a second before his eyes meet mine... and there it was.. the male that once broke was kneeling before me, patting him on the cheek hard enough to leave a mark- Proper way to greet your master, pet -walks around me, now almost as if unaware of Jodi's presence for a second, my eyes soon finding their way to Jodi's... not missing the fact that her neck was bruised and not done by me, biting back a growl- you forgot the proper manners, pet. Now I will have to take measure -leans down as my fangs elongate- you do not treat guests that way, and for that you shall wear the same bruise -strikes hard, savagely ripping through the smooth skin, my point not being about feeding or pleasure... just pain... I pull back with blood dripping from my chin, I spit the blood on the floor next to Aihdan, seeing how his body had completely stiffened and the way he had clenched his jaw told me he held back a scream- You will stay there on your knees for two hours and this won't happen again pet -walking away, heading to the exit towards Jodi- or so fucking help me -looking over my shoulder at Aihdan- you'll be begging for your life in the same dungeon you begged for my touch -taking Jodi's hand I walked out of the room, leaving behind a broken male with a bruised ego and a savaged neck-
*gripping Vishous’s hand and following up the stairs, tugging him to a stop as we reached the hallway landing* Wait. V, I haven’t learned… I don’t know what to do. *rakes my hand through my hair* I have to do this, Vishous. I couldn't bear it if you called one of your... *my voice lowers at the word* your subs.
-turns to look at you, the hard edge of my more demanding and dominating side still burning from the inside, to do more to get out... to listen to the dormant side, my eyes blazing with so many emotions at once- Leelan -my voice low- you will never do this to me again -the dark spice of my bonding scent once more fills the air around us- if this is what you want -my gloved hand cups your chin and tilts your head up so we are at eye level- this is what you will get -narrows eyes- my hand... mine.. no one else’s, feel me? -my voice straining with the need and possession of the bonded male-
*nodding slowly, hunger burning white heat in your eyes* I want you, Vishous. Every part of you and I will accept nothing less. *stands on my toes, grazing your lip with my teeth* I want you to show me everything. I'm ready.
-growls low- I could fucking kiss you right now but you will not taste the fucker's blood -wipes the blood from your lips picks you up- Now let's get the fuck out of here -runs with you in my arms, wanting out of this dark fucking place- where’s the truck, leelan? -as soon as the words leave my lips I spot the truck and head towards it-
*fishes my key out for Vishous and climbs into the passenger side, heart hammering in the confines of the tightly laced corset, watching my male with wild anticipation as he gets behind the wheel and the old engine flares to life, tires squealing as he guns the gas, taking us back to the Penthouse*
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