*silently padding into the workshop, smiling as I see Vishous hunched over carefully working on a new dagger, the gauzy glow from his ungloved hand casting an ethereal light on his face.* I hope I’m not interrupting.
-crooked grin- Never leelan -sets the dagger aside and pulls my glove on, taking your hand and dragging you into my lap-
*laughs softly, winding my arms around your neck* You look good sweaty. *runs my tongue over your lips* Taste good, too.
-growls low- Not as good as you taste -nuzzles your neck, biting and licking over your pulse “My son.” head shooting up from Jodi’s throat following the booming voice, glaring at the figure of the Scribe Virgin- I’m not your son -quickly getting to my feet, tucking Jodi behind me. The Scribe Virgin’s voice was unaffected, a hollow echo within the walls of the forge. “As you wish, warrior. I have come to collect my price.”
*cautiously peering around Vishous’s looming form, eyes flaring wide at the sight of the Scribe Virgin, her presence sending a wave of unease through me, pressing tight against his back, my voice wavering as I looked up at him* Nallum?
-eyes narrowing into slits- What price? “You cast aside your duty as Primale in order to take Jodi as your female. Surely you knew that my approval of this mating would carry a price.” -growls- I fucking should have.
*I gripped Vishous’s hand as I listened to her words. “The race must go on, warrior. The nursery on the Other Side has remained empty for too long. You will sire young. There shall be a new Primale to the Chosen.” *My stomach turned at the thought of my hellren laying with those females. She wanted Vishous to father their children?*
-diamond eyes blazing with fury- Damn you, what have you done? -Her voice flat, she answered matter-of-factly. “I’ll ignore that question this once, warrior. I have done nothing but what was necessary to insure the survival of my offspring. I trust your female will do the same.” With that she disappeared from sight, leaving Jodi and me in darkness-
Vishous? What did she mean? She can’t expect you to… *I didn’t even finish the sentence. Of course she could. She could expect any goddamned thing she wanted. Cautiously stepping from behind Vishous, I stared at the spot where the Scribe Virgin had been, heart aching as if she’d ripped it from my chest and taken it with her*
-I saw how Jodi stared into the place where the bitch had stood and delivered the great news, I walked towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder, my voice barely above a whisper- Leelan? -to say I was concerned about what the SV said was a fucking understatement but Jodi came first-
*hysteria bubbling in my chest, I turned and tucked into Vishous's arms* Fuck, nallum...She can't mean what I think, can she? *tears welled in my eyes, my mind not wanting to accept what I'd heard, shaking my head and burrowing my face into your chest, hoping to wake up and find it had all been a terrible dream*
-frowning at the panic in your voice, my hand ran over your back in soothing circles, my voice still a whisper when I say- Leelan, we're not going to let her do this, true? -kissing the top of your head- it's probably one of her many fucked up threats, we're stronger than that -I nodded, not only was I convincing you but I needed to convince myself- let's go to the pit, true -wanting to have you tucked in our bed before I left for the night-
*with a small nod I huddled into your side, swallowing back a sick feeling and let you lead me through the tunnel to the pit, the oppressive silence filled with terrified thoughts for our future as we made our way to our mated room and settled onto the silk covered expanse of the giant bed, cradling a pillow to my chest* V... you won't will you? Go to them?
-the silence was more than I could bear, what the hell was I to do, I just had to do something to make you feel better, brows knitted together as I tried to figure something out with so little time to actually swallow the information, your voice broke through and I shook my head, sitting next to you- Leelan -flashing a reassuring smile- who is my mate? -running my hand over your cheek in a tender caress-
*with a soft sigh, I tried to take comfort in your words, curling into your arms letting silent tears slip down my cheeks. Head resting against your chest, the steady rhythm of your heart lulling me into a fitful sleep*
-finally I’d calmed Jodi enough to let her sleep, brushing her hair from her tear-stained face and kissing her parted lips, I eased her tiny body off my chest, laying her gently on the bed and headed to the closet, pulling on my leathers and strapping my daggers into place. I pulled open the drawer of the nightstand to grab my tobacco pouch, my fingers catching a slip of stiff paper. Brows drawn, I pulled the card from the drawer and stared at the address. Women’s Center? She fucking didn’t… Turning the card in my hands, the print slipped out of focus, pupils dilating midnight to fill icy irises as images flashed in front of me, the strange male reappearing, turning to stare at me with my own eyes. My chest tightened as I watched, his face fading to be replaced with that of a cherubic infant, brilliant diamond gaze fixed on Jodi’s face from the safety of her arms… No. No, it wasn’t possible. The card dropping to the floor, I staggered back as the room came back into focus, all but running down the corridor and out the front door into the night air. Rubbing a gloved thumb over the center of my chest I fumbled to make sense of what I’d seen. Not another male. A son. My son. Pulling a cig from the inner pocket of my jacket, I rested it between my lips and fished out my gold lighter, flicking it open to light the hand-rolled. Taking a long drag I cocked my head at the sound of Butch’s heavy footsteps as he joined me in the driveway, clapping a hand on my shoulder.“You okay, man? You look like you’ve seen a fucking ghost.”- I’m tight, true. -Rolling my shoulders and patting my jacket over my Glocks, I met Butch’s eyes, not about to share my latest message from the mother ship- Let’s hit Trade before princess Rhage has a tantrum.
*A wave of nausea jerked me from restless sleep, taking deep breaths until the sickness subsided I’d slipped out of bed to make my way to the bathroom. Rifling through the medicine cabinet for something to relieve the nagging cramps, my fingers reached for a bottle and paused my heart speeding as I counted back the days in my head… Late. I was late. Reassured by a doggen that Vishous had gone on patrol, I’d hurried out of the compound, bee-lining it to the nearest drug store for the tests, hoping to dispose of the bag and its contents before he returned. “Mistress Jodi? Mistress, are you ill?” Fritz’s voice was shot through with concern as he called from the other side of the bathroom door. He’d been at it for over an hour, ever since I’d scurried past him and down the hallway with the pharmacy bag tucked under my arm, barely getting the toilet seat up in time to lose the bagel I’d eaten earlier. Lifting myself up to sit on the side of the tub, I stared at the little plastic cylinder in my hand, the unmistakable blue plus sign glaring up at me. Tears streaming down my face, I clenched the test in a white-knuckled grip, staring across the floor at the half dozen others I’d taken. Different sizes, different indicators but all having the same answer: pregnant. I took a deep breath and tried to think… I’d wanted this for so long but Vishous had been so dead set against our having young that I’d resolved to content myself in being his shellan… Christ what would I tell him? ...Hey, nallum, looks like your mother got us good this time. So what do you think, green for the nursery?... Fuck. That. I sank to my knees as my stomach lurched again, suddenly grateful for the doggen’s meticulous cleaning routine. The retching finally subsiding, I wiped a hand over my damp forehead and pulled the handle letting the swirling water carry away the remains of first meal, sinking back against the side of the tub and hugging my knees to my chest, trying to decide how best to tell Vishous I was having his child.*
-The night out had been a bust so far, the lack of action did nothing to distract me from myself, thoughts a jumbled mess as I tried to figure out what was doing in my head. Rhage, as per usual, had spent the entire evening dicking around and the cop had tried to lighten up my mood to no avail, all I could think about was what I could do to keep myself away from having that vision become a reality. Holy fuck. A young? Weeks had gone by since I had made the mistake to succumb to the need to mark her in every possible way.. we had spent at least two fucking days in our mated room satiating the thirst that had sprung from the days of withdrawal, thanks again to my stupidity... I had taken Jodi however I had wanted, whenever I had wanted and as many times her body allowed it. My cock twitched at the memory, which made me shift uncomfortably before I had to adjust my leathers.. fucking biology. I scrubbed a gloved hand over my face as the image of the infant played over and over again in my head. The risk had been too great and it was time to go back to basics. Umm maybe Havers had come up with something? Or perhaps those pills for human females could work for us.. there was just no fucking way I would risk her life by giving her young.. but the surgery just wasn’t an option. If anything happened to her… I swallowed hard, as the way Tohr had come back to the Brotherhood after losing Wellsie played in my head with me as the main star of the show. I wouldn’t go through the starvation route. If I lost Jodi a bullet for breakfast would do the job more effectively. Shaking off the thoughts, I tugged my cap lower and took a long drag from my hand-rolled which dangled between my lips. I rejoined Butch and Rhage after having fanned out for yet another dead-end lead. It was getting tiresome and I was close to giving up when my phone buzzed in my pocket. Thinking Wrath probably had another idea of what we could do with the night I answered the phone without even a glance at the screen."My lord. I..." I got cut off by a very polite yet urgent and nervous voice. "Sire." The way Fritz had said that word had me chilled to the bone. My entire body went tense and my eyes zeroed in on the shadows that surrounded the alley, jokes and laughter died around me when both males noticed the change in me. "What is it, Fritz?" Trying my damn hardest to not blow and chew the male alive, the doggen took a deep breath "Sire, I am.. I am concerned about Mistress Jodi, she has not come out of the lavatory in some time. I thought it best to inform you…" Shit, my mind was working double time, every possible scenario streaming through my head like a movie, none of them had a happy ending. "On my way" I turned to both males, who in turn gave a curt nod that "It's my female, true" with one more nod I dematerialized back home. Once there, there was just no stopping. Shitkickers pounding on the pavement, I took two steps at a time, willed the door of the Pit wide open and sped down the hall to the bathroom adjoining our mated room, barely registering the crowd of doggen who’d scurried out of my path once they saw me coming. My nostrils flared in annoyance at the door that kept me away from my female, without wasting any more time I rammed the door listening as the hinges screeched in protest as the wood buckled under my shoulder and gave, sending savaged pieces of oak flying before me, fangs punched down to lethal daggers as I scanned the room for my female, ready for anything-
*my head snapped up as the door splintered inward under the force of 260lbs of warrior and a wild-eyed Vishous barreled into the bathroom, hiccupping sobs I shrank back against the tub, my stomach rising into my throat in relief and panic at the sight of him*
-My diamond eyes crazed with fear as I look around the pristine porcelain bathroom... boxes and shards of plastic scattered on the floor around my red-eyed female, a heartbreaking sight.- Leelan? - My voice was panicked as I raced over and knelt down next to her, my arms wrapping around Jodi, my shellan.- Sssh, leelan. I'm right here.. -My tiny female tucked into my embrace crying her eyes out, sobs and sniffles muffled in my leather jacket. With her safe in my arms I had a chance to really look at the debris littering the floor. Pregnancy tests.. PREGNANCY TESTS? I felt a strange knot in the pit of my stomach…it was too late to change my vision. Jodi was pregnant. Fuck. Me. I take it back…I’d been ready for ALMOST anything-
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