Saturday, August 27, 2011

Love Always - Vishous & Jodi's Mating

Vishous -wearing just the pants with a glass of Goose in my hand Butch standing next to me smirking like a motherfucker- Not one word, cop -Butch was chuckling when I lit up a cig [Chill, my man. She's your mate] I just rolled my eyes- Shit, I know I can still be nervous, true?

Jodi- *my bare feet sink into the plush oriental rug as I stand in front of the floor length mirror in one of the mansion’s guestrooms, smoothing the ruched satin of my bodice with trembling hands, taking a calming breath as I study the alterations Blueykinz made to my mating gown, reaching up to gently touch the blood red roses Telksy had so carefully arranged in the loose waves of my hair before leaving to take her place downstairs, I close my eyes for a moment, murmuring under my breath* I can do this...for Vishous, I can do this...

Rehvenge -Arriving at the brotherhood mansion Ehlena and I made small talk with everyone, waiting for Vishous and Jodi's ceremony-

Telksy - *stands in the corner watching Fritz pass out drinks and snacks with a small smile waiting for Jodi to come downstairs*

Bella - You're making us late, precious [holding Nalla Bella and Zsadist made the way down the ground staircase] [They got situated in the foyer next to Phury excited waiting for the mating ceremony to begin, Bella leaned into Zsadist]

Beth - Beth loved seeing the family all gathered, she smiled around at them, each waiting to witness Vishous and Jodi being mated-

Phury -*leaning over to Bella, Phury straightened the bow on Nalla's head* You both look wonderful tonight

Bella - [gives a smile, holding the pacifier to Nalla's mouth hoping she doesn't fuss before the ceremony]

Zsadist -*kisses the top of Bella's head* If you start crying....

Tory - *with the twins worming in the safety of my arms and the crowd gathering, I back up into V, settling in our corner to wait*

Vishous - after downing another drink before I take the robe and look at #Butch- I think we're ready to head out, cop -he grins and nods [Sure]-

Rehvenge - [Grins across at Nalla sucking furiously at her pacifier, my arm looped around Ehlena’s waist]

Bella - Zsadist hush [grins nudging him knowing she would cry during the ceremony. they were always happy occasions]

Zsadist - Females. They leak at everything. *tucks a handkerchief into her hand and kisses the knuckles*

Payne -Descending the stair case, making her way down to where her family gathered, waiting for the arrival of her brother Vishous and his soon to be shellan, Jodi very excited to witness and be a part of their ceremony-

Beth - Thinks back to her own mating ceremony, knowing Vishous and Jodi would be equally joyful and terrified-

V - {slipping a hand to the small of Tory's back, boots planted on the mosaic floor as we wait for the ceremony to begin}

Vishous -sliding the robe on, taking a deep breath and rolling my shoulder I start walking with Butch back to the mansion in silence-

Tory - *smiling up V, tension leeches from my body, knuckle gnawed by a bored Xsykhe as her bright eyes take in the pretty dresses*

Bella - [leans in to whisper] you'll pay for that 'female' remark, Zsadist darling.

Vishous - walking side by side with Butch, he gives me a sideways glance and he thought I couldn't see that grin but fuck that, shaking my head I chuckled- What? Want to take a picture?-he was shaking his head [Nah, man. Just now I see how I might've looked back then]- Fun, isn't it?

V - {stealing a brief kiss from Tory’s lips, recalling the day of our mating}

Jodi- *the gown rustles in a flurry of satin around me as I pace the guestroom like a caged lion, anxiously awaiting the start of the ceremony*

Vishous- hears the hushed voices up ahead, fuck this was uncomfortable, I was going to be under the spotlight- Well, shit -Butch gave me a nudge on the shoulder [It's not that bad, true? Think of your female and that you'll bear her name on your back soon] he was grinning because he knew he had me there, chuckling I nodded- Yeah that'll get me through the day -nods before stepping inside the mansion-

Zsadist - *Nalla begins to fuss and he takes her* No pulling on mahmen's gown, little one.

Rhage - [grins sliding down the staircase banister] Ready, brother?

Vishous - looks around to all the familiar faces, shit this was so not my kind of thing, nods at some and gives half grins at others Butch walking with me towards Rhage, I nodded- As ready as I'll ever be under all this -motions with gloved hand around me-

Telksy- *chews on a manicured nail keeping an eye on everything and everyone wanting it all to be perfect for Jodi and Vishous *

Tory - *ascending the steps to knock gently on the door of the guest room Jodi is preparing herself in, the twins bundled in my arms and squirming towards Jodi as you open the door, looking resplendent* He's waiting for you...*stepping back and allowing Jodi to precede me before following at a safe distance to take my place beside V*

Vishous - takes my place facing the steps so I can watch Jodi descend the stairs, all the brothers around me-

Tory- *handing a fussy Xsykhe to V as she reaches for her father, a soft smile curving my lips as I watch the ceremony start*

Wrath - Stands with hands laid against the banister. Deep powerful voice filling the foyer to begin the ceremony-

Jodi - *nods as I step into the hall, stopping to hug Tory, the twins squealing happily between us, turning to make my way to the grand staircase, pausing to take in the scene below, the mosaic floor of the foyer glittering like jewels under the soft light of countless black candles, carefully stepping down the stairs, taking my place next to Vishous and Wrath

Zsadist - *Nalla braced in his arms, Z begins to sing the song that Jodi told him to sing, his voice carrying through the room* Find me here, speak to me. I want to feel you, I need to hear you. You are the light that's leading me to the place where I find peace..

V - {Xsykhe cradled in the crook of my arm, her little fingers reaching up to my goatee'd jaw, smiling at Tory as Jodi arrives}

Bella - [Smiling, watching every step Jodi took towards her new future, she looked utterly beautiful]

Beth -can't help but smile watching Wrath doing his royal duties for his brother so well-

Bella - [loves hearing him sing, gets lost in his voice]

Vishous- -my breathing gets caught as I catch sight of the beauty that is Jodi in her beautiful gown, letting my eyes roam over her slim body and yes, this was who I was mating, she was going to be mine soon and I had to try my damn best not to reach over and kiss her, my diamond eyes alight with so many emotions as I waited for the ceremony to keep going-

Phury - *Phury took the moment to savor the fact that Zsadist was singing again*

Rhage - [Grins wide as Zsadist sings. Something I actually do enjoy yet rarely hear any more]

Wrath - nodding to the Scribe Virgin as she arrives in our foyer. Stepping back to stand with Beth as she begins to speak-

Beth -curves an arm around Wrath's waist. always a little in awe of the scribe virgin. smiling warmly watching the ceremony take place-

Jodi -*heart swelling at the sight of Vishous, the ebony satin robe draped over his massive shoulders, diamond eyes sparkling as they lock-with mine, inclining my head toward Wrath and facing the black-robed figure of the Scribe Virgin, my heart pounding as she steps forward addressing me* “This male asks that you accept him as your hellren, female. Would you have him as your own if he is worthy?” *steals a glance at Vishous and flashes him a brilliant smile, nodding slowly* Yes... I will…

Bella - [Her daddy singing had soothed Nalla, she lay snug in the dip of Zsadist's neck hanging onto his ear]

Telksy -*wipes my eyes with the back of my hand thankful that we used waterproof makeup today as the Scribe Virgin speaks to Jodi *

Vishous - my smile grew so wide my fangs were showing as you answered to the Scribe Virgin, turns to her dark, smaller but powerful figure, she speaks [Warrior, this female will consider you. Will you prove yourself for her? Will you sacrifice yourself for her? Will you defend her against those who would seek to harm her?] without waiting for so much as a breath I turn to look at Jodi and I was sure my eyes were glowing- I will spend the rest of my life proving myself to her, protecting her of any and all evil -crooked grin- I will prove myself worthy.. for her Jodi

Jodi - *the Scribe Virgin’s voice echoed through the foyer as she spoke again “Give me your hands” *obediently lifts my hand and holds it out, palm raised, my skin taking on a ghostly cast in the light radiating from beneath the hood of her robe*

Vishous - without taking my eyes off of Jodi I lift my hand so the Scribe Virgin can take it and we finalize this part-

Jodi - *smiles at Vishous as the Scribe Virgin answers in a booming voice* “A very good mating. I pronounce the presentation to me acceptable.”

Bella- [cuddles into Zsadist's side, wiping a tear. The ceremony so beautiful, such vow of words spoken before the scribe virgin]

Wrath - Hands held out as Fritz approaches with the bowl of salt and pitcher- Brothers, I will have you join me.

Zsadist - *kisses the top of her head. Nalla gave a concerned coo before he handed her back to her mahmen. He's damn proud of V*

Rhage - [Stepping forward releasing Mary’s hand. Taking my place along with my brothers] 

Phury - *stepping forward, he joined Zsadist, Rhage, and Wrath around Vishous*

V - {lacing the fingers of my free hand in Tory's, a proud smile curving my lips as I watch Jodi accept her hellren}

Vishous - grins and disrobes, looking at Jodi I kneel before Wrath waiting for the brothers to do their part-

Jodi - *steps back to stand next to Tory, my eyes fixed on the smooth skin of Vishous’s back as he kneels before his brothers*

Bella - [Pride swelled seeing all the brothers around Vishous]

Wrath - Taking the black lacquered box from Fritz, pouring the water into the bowl of salt as I stand over him. Dagger now in hand- My Brother, what is the name of your Shellan?

Vishous - my eyes fixed on Jodi as I answer proudly- She is called Jodi -my posture relaxed as I wait for the strike-

Wrath -Flicks of my wrist using the tip of the blade to carve his back with the fist letter of her name in The Old Language.-

Vishous- doesn't even move or wince as my skin gets pierced, marked, soon to have Jodi's name-

Rhage - [taking the dagger from Wrath's outstretched hand. Pride swelling before I continued] What is the name of your Shellan, my Brother?

Vishous -my eyes trained on Jodi as I again answer- She is called Jodi

Rhage -[grins as I press the tip of the dagger against your bare back quick motions to mark him with "O" in The Old Language]

Vishous - my grin only grew wider as yet another letter was carved on my back-

Jodi - *watches the blood trickle down Vishous’s bare back, the color running from my face, reaching for Tory’s hand*

Zsadist - *steps up, taking the dagger from Rhage. Whispers to Vishous* About time. *straightens* What is the name of your shellan?

Vishous - coughs to hide the chuckle then shakes my head and looks back at Jodi and repeats- She is called Jodi

Tory - *adjusting Khaos over my shoulder, I squeeze Jodi's hand tight, half prepared to catch her as the blade scores and her face pales*

Zsadist - *nodding in approval, Z made quick work with the blade, carving the "D" into Vishous' skin*

Vishous - closing my eyes for a moment just to imagine what it looks like then I open my diamond eye to catch Jodi's gaze-

Phury - *He accepted the dagger from Zsadist and came to stand behind Vishous* What is the name of your shellan, my brother?

Vishous - prepares for the final carving and responds with so much pride and love- She is called Jodi

Jodi - *tightens my grip on Tory, my eyes locked with Vishous’s as Phury’s dagger descends on his back*

Phury - *With a steady hand, Phury carved the final letter, an "I", into Vishous' back*

Tory - *bones grinding together as Jodi's white knuckle grip tightens, my smile reassuring, a soft 'almost there sister mine' on my lips*

Wrath - Stepping forward as Phury finishes the last letter. Pouring the salt over the deep cuts of his Shellan's name. Cloth in hand blotting the soon to be well set scars- Rise, my brother. -Holding the box out to V- Take this to your shellan as a symbol of your strength, so she will know that you are worthy of her and that your body, your heart and your soul are hers to command. 

Vishous - stands before Wrath and bows my head slightly as I accept the box, then I walk towards Jodi and kneel before her holding the box to her, my eyes slightly cast down as I say- Will you take me as your own? -my eyes slightly drift to look at yours-

Bella - [Oh her favorite part. Bella smiled watching Vishous take the box to Jodi ]

Jodi - *takes the box and cradles it to my chest, a tear spilling down my cheek as I look at my male…my hellren* I will, Vishous. Forever…

Vishous - I give my trade mark crooked grin as I stand and cup your face to kiss you in front of all our family, presenting you as mine-

Jodi - *curls a hand around your nape to pull you close, the lacquer box wedged between us, smiling against your lips* I love you, Vishous.

Zsadist - *pulls Bella to his side and can't help but grin watching Vishous and Jodi*

Vishous - whispers against your lips- I love you, shellan mine -crooked grin-

Tory - *fangs flashing razor smiles, body humming with excitement, tucked tight to V as their ceremony is completed...eternal*

Bella - [cradling a sleeping Nalla, she curved into Zsadist so damn happy for Vishous and Jodi and their blessed union]

Tory - *slowly approaching Jodi and Vishous to offer mine and V's congratulations, in the Old Language followed by the English translation weaving blessings for my sister Jodi and her hellren Vishous* we wish you all the happiness in the whole fucking universe...for fucking ever now...*grins, kissing Jodi on the cheek and smiling at Vishous before leaving to -tuck the young in bed, my hand laced with V's, a kiss to his jaw, back to the Penthouse the home of our own mating memories*

Vishous - takes Jodi's hand and turns around to look at my brothers, family and friends together for our mating, and I just can't stop grinning-

Phury - Vishous *Chuckling, he clapped V on the shoulder before hugging Jodi* Your face is going to break, my brother.

Wrath - Pressing my lips against her temple, hand staying in hers-

Rhage - [grins slapping Vishous on the shoulder before hugging Jodi tightly] Welcome to the family [winks]

Vishous - for once I didn't feel like flipping anyone off- What can I say -looks at leelan- she's finally mine Phury Jodi

Telks - *smiles brightly at Jodi and Vishous as I approach them. Hugging them both tightly* Congratulations you two. V, it's an honor to call you brother now as well as Ghardian. *hugs Jodi again whispering something in her ear with a wink*

Vishous - Hey hey, no winking at my shellan -only joking.. ok half joking about that-

Phury - *he shook his head* No, my brother, she's been yours for a while.

Wrath - approaches Vishous and Jodi with Beth leading- Congratulations to the both of you. Go, celebrate -chuckles-

Jodi - smiles wide, my fingers twined with Vishous’s as I looked over the faces of my family, vision wavering through unshed tears*

Rhage - Vishous [smirks] We'll see.

Vishous -narrows eyes-

Zsadist - *arm around Bella he slapped Vishous on the arm* Welcome to the club. *nods to Jodi* And welcome to the family.

Vishous - -crooked grin- True, let's just say it's official now and I can fuck up anyone who dares touch her

Vishous - Thank you, my lord -smirks- and trust me, we will

Phury - *laughing, he nodded* Only a moron would get near her now, my brother.

Vishous - nods- Thank you, my brother -chuckles-

Vishous - Morons exist but perhaps now the fair warning is a given -smirks-

Wendy - *smiling wide* Congratulations Jodi & V. I'm so happy for you both!

Vishous - crooked grin- Thank you -nods-

Rhage -

Bella- [knowing the happy couple would have their own celebrations to get to, Bella tugged at Zsadist's hand] lets take Nalla up, Baby.

Vishous -my hand in yours as we mingled, itching to have you alone but willing to wait for a little bit longer- Jodi

Phury - Maybe she can keep you out of trouble. Congratulations. *with a last round of hugs to Vishous and Jodi, he went to grab a drink*

Rhage - [silently slip up the staircase with Mary next to me]

Blueykinz - Congratulations to the newly mated couple Vishous and Jodi [smile]

Jodi - *smiles wide* Thank you, puddin'.

Vishous -grins looking at all the brothers knowing we will soon want to leave, everyone going with their own mates to their rooms, finally I look to the spot where the Scribe Virgin once was, I just couldn't believe she went along with this so willingly, I was willing to bet there was a catch somewhere but no matter today was about me and Jodi, I have the rest of my existence to fight for her.. for us-

InsomniacSleepr- *hugs both of ya* congratulations on your mating. im so happy for you. may you have an eternity of joy and happiness. love ya guys. *smiles wide so full of happiness*

Vishous - crooked grin- Thank you, female -looks at Jodi then back at Insomniacsleepr-

Jodi- Thank you for making it, love. And happy birthday again!

Brandon- congratulations

Jodi-Thank you, sweets. *grins wide, hugging you tight*

Jodi - *turns to Telksy, pulling her in for a lingering hug* Thank you, love. *grins, pulling away* And thanks for the idea.

Vishous- Thanks, brother -crooked grin-

InsomniacSleepr- Vishous you're very welcome. i know with you she will always be safe and well loved. *smiles*

Wrath -Quietly leaves following behind her tugging hand to take us to our mated chambers-

Telksy- Jodi *smirks and looks over at Vishous* Do you want me to stay in a guest room and let you two have the Pit tonight?

Miss_Shame - Congratulations on your mating.

Jodi - Thank you so much. *grins looking up at Vishous *

WithoutSunlight- Congratulations on a beautiful ceremony and blessings for the future

Jodi - Thank you. *smiles brightly, giving Vishous's hand a quick squeeze*

Vishous - smirks- We're gonna need more than a few nights and -looks at the second floor after dramatic pause- I would have to talk to the King about other arrangements, not tonight though

Telks - *laughs* You two going to the Penthouse then? I'll watch the furballs

Vishous- We're making a stop at the Penthouse but first the Pit -nods- later Telks

Jodi - *grins at Vishous, gathering the layers of my gown into my fists and backing toward the door leading to the tunnel* I think we should finish the celebration in private, don't you, hellren mine?

Vishous - picks you up and kisses you hard- Fuck yeah, shellan mine -smirks before I take off towards the Pit-

Jodi - *laughs, waving at the remaining guests over your shoulder as you carry me back to the our home*

Vishous - fangy smirk as we reach the Pit and I will the door closed, to be alone... with my shellan-

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